Why rent?

Why rent?

priya thinagar
Promote mindful shopping, by reducing the amount of clothes ending up in a landfill or gathering dust in your closet. Women on an average only wear seven times and some even consider clothes as old after 3 re-wears. Ask yourself if you will wear an outfit 30 times before you buy. For all other occasions rent to reduce the footprint. #para# The 30 wears campaign, which was started by Livia Firth (Colin Firth's wife) is simply about asking yourself will I wear this at least 30 times before you buy a piece of clothing. This isn't about giving up buying new clothes altogether, after all, we all need something to wear and many of us get a lot of pleasure from buying clothes. It's about changing the way we approach shopping and owning clothes. It's about thinking of your clothes as an investment rather than something disposable. We can reduce the amount of clothing ending up in landfill if we just keep our clothes a little longer (helping to reduce your carbon footprint too).#para#The average woman keeps a piece of clothing in her wardrobe for only 5 weeks #para#The 30 wears campaign is about ending the culture of buying a cheap outfit and only wearing it once. We should be wearing our clothes time and time again, after all, there is nothing wrong with being an outfit repeater.
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